The Road to Victory

God is always writing new chapters. We aren’t meant to stay in one place and I think that’s true in joy as well as suffering. And yet we belong to both always.

Funny thing how God brings us to victory through our suffering even though when we are in the midst of it, we can’t imagine any possible way out. God always has a way out of darkness planned for us. We are an Easter people and resurrection is written in our hearts, becoming something tangible as we grapple through darkness. Victory is what we are made for. I could write words that fill the internet all about the suffering and the lessons and what God has done day in and day out and I still couldn’t give you the answer or the formula for happiness. But I do know that ultimately our JOY is found in the person of Jesus. It’s in a relationship. It’s in the Holy Trinity alive in our midst. It’s not just A truth but it’s THE truth. It is the purest and truest love that exists, which is a love that speaks in the silence, louder than any voice, that you are GOOD and created by perfection for perfect love. You and I were created for this truth and we sure do know it when we find it. The creator sees and knows the greatness in each of us because He conceived it and brought it to life in us. Given freely.

I also know that in order to claim Victory we must respond. It requires that in the darkest, hardest moments, when we can’t possibly see a way out for ourselves, we pause in all our humanness to say ‘I am here Lord and I am listening. I know you are with me and have a plan for this even though I don’t. I don’t understand but I Trust you. I don’t like it but I surrender. If it must be, then YOU be greater in my heart, mind, body and soul.’ And when we try, maybe for the hundredth time, but don’t feel consoled, we must hold the line and keep firmly fixed on waiting and abiding, trusting that Victory is near. In fact VICTORY is already within. But oh, the places we must go before we see it, grasp at it, and trust it.

My heart cries even as it cries out in Joy. I know in fact now what Anna was only just discovering 10 years ago when she found this quote. “You are loved more than you will ever know by someone who died to know you” (Romans 5:8).


2 thoughts on “The Road to Victory

  1. Karen, nice to hear from you again. Especially the opening lines of your post reminded me of something I read years ago… (paraphrasing): “The train of Christianity runs on two parallel tracks, one of sorrow and one of joy.” God bless.


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